Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Account Based Marketing - Get accelerates B2B business with marketer planning

{{ The Guest Post Blogger organization was not involved in the creation of this content. - Dalvi Prabhakar B, Founder & Digital Manager (SEO,SEM,SMO) }}

As the speed of business accelerates, B2B marketers and CMOs are faced with growing challenges in identifying their top (&best) customer/accounts, leads as well as streamlining sales and marketing co-ordination.  Add to this, they are still in dilemma whether to target accounts or leads, not sure which account(s) they need to target or they don’t know which accounts in their database are best fit to target and  uncertain about content to be conveyed .

Here comes Account Based Marketing (ABM), hot topic among B2B marketers right now.

ABM is the ‘panacea’ for the above mentioned problems and is gaining traction every day. This topic is keenly discussed and analyzed over events, webinars, blogs, forums and social media.

ABM advocates the philosophy of quality over quantity as echoed by David Ogilvy – Father of advertising.

In this blog series, we will try to unravel what exactly is ABM, why ABM is gaining traction, strategy to be adopted, business benefits of ABM and way forward for ABM.

Part one of the blog series deciphers ABM in its simplistic form and part two focuses on best practices of ABM.

Various marketers have different interpretation of ABM. However ABM in its simplest form:

“Strategic approach/methodology adopted by marketers to identify and define their best or top strategic accounts, then channelize all their entire marketing campaign, content deliverability with compelling messaging with dedicated focus on selected accounts, and then measure the impact/progresses to ascertain the success.“

Although, ABM is graining traction now, this has been there since early 1990 as an alternative to mass marketing and this was supposed to be grandma’s antidote.

However this was not pursed with vigor. But now things are better with advances and innovations in various marketing technology stacks and B2B buyer journey/cycle has become more complex coupled with rapid decay in B2B data.

These have driven marketers to look forward to panacea in the form of ABM. Add to this, various big enterprises like HP and XEROX have embraced ABM in a big way and reaping the benefits.

Through ABM methodology, B2B companies can reach out to select key accounts/leads through targeted content, ads, and messages instead of blindly following each and every account. This in turn will enable them to close more deals and usher in sales and marketing synergy. 

Why Marketing Strategy must include Video in competitive market

Today my B2B marketing tip features the need for video in your marketing strategy. It is said that visual memories are the stronger memories, then imagine what message a video can send to your potential customer or prospects. Video gives you a platform to present your company’s message in a way that makes your business feel more human to viewers.

Creating video may not be an easy task, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tackle the job internally and/or under budget. Here are some useful tips that can help you through this process:

1. Keep it short: – Researchers say, 50% more people will watch a 1 minute video than a 2 minute video. So keeping your video short and to the point, will help customers to receive your message more clearly.

2. Make a video script: – You should always take some time and write out what you want to convey in your video. Make sure you gather some feedback around the script by reading it out loud to others, as reading it loud will allow you to hone your message to right length and tone.

3. Include some fun elements: – I hope you guys know that you are not launching a rocket, so why can’t you have some fun elements while you are trying to sell your vision. Show your potential customers or prospects that you have real humans working for you. Showing your human side can go long way in building trust within your audience.

4. Do not self-promote too much: – Tone of your video is very important. You need to make your potential customers or prospects feel comfortable. Tell a story instead of just pushing your viewers in the direction you want. Have them follow along instead of telling them where they need to be.

The most important thing that you as marketers need to keep in mind is that once your video is created it will not be seen by millions of people right away so it doesn’t make it a failure. View count is not the only metrics you should look at while measuring the success of your new video. To know more on metrics to track your video success STAY TUNNED!!

{{ The Guest Post Blogger organization was not involved in the creation of this content. - Dalvi Prabhakar B, Founder & Digital Manager (SEO,SEM,SMO) }}

Video Marketing Strategy - Key Metrics For success

In my previous post you read about why as a marketer you should include video marketing in your marketing strategy. As video marketing is an important aspect of your marketing strategy, their must also be an way out to track the success of your video. According to most of marketer view count is a metric to track video success, but that’s only the partial truth.

There are many other metrics through which you can track your new video success. Following metrics are good indicators of success:
  1. Play Rate: - This educates you if video is the right medium for your message. In case your play rate is extremely low, be sure to test the location of the video. Videos below the fold are less likely to be played than those that are visible on load. Also you must make sure that the video is of a decent size on your page. Having a smaller size could decrease the rate at which it is played.
  2. Engagement Rate: - This can help you to measure who have clicked play and how far they have watched your video. It is your creativity, it’s obvious that you will want people to watch your video and finish it, but necessarily it may not happen. Try to look at spots in your video where viewers have stopped watching – this could be a confusing or unappealing message to your viewers. You can re-shoot or change your video based on your inputs received.
  3. Conversion Rate: - For videos whose purpose is to collect email address or convert leads, make sure you measure the video performance. Send a custom event to Google Analytics when the video is played and finished, so you know which interactions converted views have had with your video.
Video does not have to be the only channel for your business. Your first try doesn’t always have to be perfect, but it’s essential to remember to keep learning and changing strategies that doesn’t work for your business.
Related :-

{{ The Guest Post Blogger organization was not involved in the creation of this content. - Dalvi Prabhakar B, Founder & Digital Manager (SEO,SEM,SMO) }}

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Important Key Factors To Know About Mutual Funds

What is an NAV?

Our next step is to understand NAV, which stands for Net Asset Value. Just like a share has a price, a mutual fund unit has an NAV. To put it simply, NAV represents the market value of each unit of a fund or the price at which investors can buy or sell units. The NAV is generally calculated on a daily basis, reflecting the combined market value of the shares, bonds and securities (as reduced by allowable expenses and charges) held by a fund on any particular day.

Debt Mutual Funds

Types of Funds

Are you looking to invest for a short period of time or are your plans long term? To be able to choose a fund that perfectly caters to your needs; you need to be aware of the various kinds of funds that exist.   

As the name suggests, A Debt Mutual Fund works on borrowing. So what are the conditions that are usually laid down when one borrows?

Reasonable assurance that the principal investment will be returned.

The interest that will be generated based on the rate of interest (also known as the coupon rate).

Tenure or the time over which the principal will be returned.

Companies, state governments and even the central government all require money to run their operations. They offer various debt based instruments like TBills, Debentures, GSecs etc., and Mutual Funds buy the debt that is issued by them.

Debt Funds help bring stability to your investment portfolio since they are lower in risk as compared to Equity Funds, yet riskier than Liquid Funds and their aim itself is to generate steady returns while preserving your capital.

These would typically invest in government securities, NCD, CDs, CPs bonds and other fixed income securities as well as lend money to large organisations or Corporates, in return of a fixed interest rate. Therefore, investing in Debt Mutual Funds would be ideal if you’re looking at a potentially higher return than Liquid Funds over a medium term time horizon, between 3 to 24 months.   

Equity Mutual Funds

Unlike Debt Funds, you have absolutely no assurance whatsoever on the principal, rate of interest or tenure when investing in Equity Funds. When you invest in equity, you are considered as an owner of the particular company that you’ve invested in, to the extent of your investment. So naturally, like any owner, your profit is linked with the performance of the company. The higher the profits of the company, the better is the share price and hence the better your gains.

Like with any high risk action, Equity Funds also carry the potential to deliver high returns. And to help counter this risk, Mutual Funds are invested in multiple companies that usually don’t belong to one or correlated sectors. This is known as diversifying.

In the long run, one needs to be guarded against inflation and in the short run, market fluctuations. Equity, though volatile, has proved to be a better bet against inflation, provided one has a long term investment.  

Liquid & Hybrid Mutual Funds

In financial terms, the word Liquid simply means “How fast can I get my invested money back?” A highly liquid asset is as good as hard cash. Liquid Mutual Funds have the least risk factor and may give you returns that are slightly higher than a savings account. These funds invest in faster maturing debt securities,therefore making them less risky. The concept here is that the closer the debt instrument is to its maturity, the higher the chances and surety of you getting the principal and interest if there is any.

When would you choose a Liquid Fund?

Without a doubt, a savings account is by far the best option for emergency funds. As the name suggests, a savings account is a savings option. It offers the highest liquidity since you can access your balance at any moment directly through the bank or through ATM machines. But if you are left with funds that are in excess of emergency funds, then Liquid Funds are good options. 

They endeavor to give you your money back the very next working day, subject to the receipt of a valid redemption request. In fact, Liquid Funds can be used for investments ranging from a day up to a month or even two.

Hybrid Funds
As the name suggests, Hybrid Funds are those which have a combination of asset classes such as debt and equity in their portfolio. That is, they invest in a blend of debt, money market instruments and equity. Breaking it down even further, depending on the mix of equity and debt, there could be various types of Hybrid Funds as well.  

Mutual Funds are flexible

Most people have differing patterns of earning and spending, which is why investments need to be flexible so as to allow you to invest as per your situation. In order to ensure this flexibility Mutual Funds have certain characteristics like: There are various types of Mutual Funds that invest in various schemes, from money market instruments to equities, thus catering to people who’d like to invest for duration ranging from a day to years. Minimum amounts of  investment range from as low as Rs. 500, with no upper limit. In the case of open ended funds, daily investment and withdrawal is possible. Invested funds can be received within 1 to 5 working days. There is no maintenance charge on portfolios. You can invest either directly with the Asset Management Company or through a Financial Intermediary.

Mutual Funds are liquid

As you would have learnt earlier, liquidity is all about having access to the money you’ve invested at your convenience. After all, what is the point of getting high returns if you can’t use the funds when you need it? Solid liquidity gives you the advantage of getting your money when you need it the most.

In open ended funds, where you can buy and sell on any business day, you can get your money back generally within 3 working days. And to make things even better, there is a 15% penalty imposed on the Asset Management Company if you don’t get your money within 10 working days.

Mutual Funds are transparent and safe

Naturally there is a feeling of uncertainty or cautiousness you feel when you’re handing over your savings to somebody. You obviously need to be able to trust the person and you definitely want to know what is happening with your money, at all times. In the case of Mutual Funds, your money is handed over to a professional, whose entire job is to keep track of markets and look out for the best opportunities for you. What’s more, Mutual Funds publish a monthly fact sheet which basically lists out all the important facts you need to know about the scheme you’ve invested in.

These facts are:

  • Your portfolio of holdings, that shows details of the companies and the amount invested in each company and the rating of the company’s issuance in case the instrument is a debt instrument.
  • Past returns, dividends and performance ratios.
  • In addition, the NAV is published on AMFI and on each of the fund company websites on a daily basis, ensuring that you’re always in the loop about your investments.

Mutual Funds help you diversify

Like the old saying, “Don’t keep all your eggs in one basket”, diversifying your investments will help you lower your risk. By spreading out your money across different types of investments, investing in multiple companies and investing in more than one sector, you ensure that you always have a back-up plan intact. So when you look to invest, always consider a wide range of options. As you have previously read, Equity Mutual Funds invest in shares of various companies whereas Debt Funds invest in government securities, NCD, CDs, CPs bonds and other fixed income securities. Thus as an investor, you will be able to have a diversified investment basket.   

Mutual Funds reduce the transaction cost

The power of bargaining lies in buying anything wholesale. The rate of buying in wholesale will obviously be much lesser compared to the retail rates. Now apply the same principal to Mutual Funds and what do you get? With many people pooling in their savings, you get the advantage of the power of bargaining which reduces the overall transaction cost. And what’s more, as per prevalent tax laws, under provisions of Section 10 (23D) of the Act, any income received by the Mutual Fund is exempt from tax; which simply means that funds don’t pay any tax on the gains obtained from selling securities that they buy on behalf of their investors.

Units. The small but powerful tool

Here’s a fun way of understanding the power and benefit of units. Let’s say that there is a box of 12 chocolates costing Rs. 40. Four friends decide to buy these chocolates but they have only Rs. 10 each and the shopkeeper only sells by the box. So the friends then decide to each pool in the Rs.10 that they have and buy the box of 12 chocolates. Now based on their contribution, they each receive 3 chocolates or 3 units, if equated with Mutual Funds.
And how do you calculate the cost of one unit? Simply divide the total amount with the total number of chocolates: 40/12 = 3.33.

So if you were to multiply the number of units (3) with the cost per unit (3.33), you get the initial investment of Rs. 10.

This results in each friend being a unit holder in the box of chocolates that is collectively owned by all of them, with each person being a part owner of the box.

{{ The Guest Post Blogger organization was not involved in the creation of this content. - Dalvi Prabhakar B, Founder & Digital Manager (SEO,SEM,SMO) }}

Thursday, 27 August 2015

B2B Lead Generation Tactics For Marketer Who Try Hard

B2B Lead Generation Tactics For Marketer Who Try Hard
Courtesy :- 
Customers are the king of any business. Finding quality prospects is one of a marketer’s biggest challenges—how do you find leads that will convert into sales? In fact, 61% of B2B marketers cite generating high-quality leads as their No. 1 challenge. (I bet that even you consumer marketers out there experience this challenge, so stick with me, as I’m sure you’ll find value here, too). 

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

7 Easy Tips on Choosing a Perfect CRM for Your Organization

CRM(Customer Relationship Management) has indeed become one of the most preferred technologies for transforming the customer data received via websites and phone lines into revenue-generating details. Whether you own a small-sized, medium-sized or a large-sized organization, it is your choice of a CRM software tool that will enable you to reduce the overall costs and increase the business profits. Today, in this post, I'll be offering you few easy-to-follow tips on picking the right CRM solution for your business firm. So, let's get going with these fantastic tips.

1. Be sure as to what you want the CRM for- sales, marketing, customer service or all the three

Though CRM software tools are mainly used by the sales personals, there is a range of CRM softwares which are being utilized fror handling customer service cases and different web-based marketing campaigns. Hence, while shortlisting CRM software tool for your business, do be certain as to whether you would be using it for enhancing your sales, executing marketing campaigns or enriching customer services. For instance, if you're just looking for an online sales and marketing tool, choosing Hatchback would work for you.

2. Pay heed to selection of a mobile-compatible CRM software

Since your salesforce is likely to be mobile, preferring the usage of a wide collection of devices, it is recommended to choose a CRM system that can be accessed and used via any Internet-enabled device ranging from smart phones and tablets to desktops. Don't forget that a majority of sales representatives prefer adopting new technology faster and hence they are in a need of a platform that's regularly updated for bug fixes etc.

7 Easy tips on choosing a perfect CRM for your organization

3. Watch out whether your CRM promotes user adoption or not

Check whether the CRM tool that you intend to choose is capable of lowering down the friction related to people, processes and system. Also, you must ensure that the CRM software doesn't imposes an unnatural process on your team. It should come with a great UX that would make it convenient-to-use for all the team members with different levels of expertise.

4. A CRM with tight email integration is a must-choose

Since most of the customer communication takes place via the email, it is imperative to opt for a CRM software that integrates seamlessly with the active email system for your organization. In other words, each time you type in a client or prospect's name, the email system should automatically link the respective email to the client's CRM record.

5.  Make sure to use a product demo

It is always beneficial to get an instant access to CRM product demonstration and using the same efficiently. Doing this will allow you to test the CRM system and get a clearer picture about its strengths and weaknesses. Hence, take out that little extra time in using the product demo as it will save you an incredible amount of time at a later point of time.

6. Gather a better understanding of the customization options available with the CRM software in focus

Since every business is unique, it becomes quite essential to opt for a CRM that can easily adapt to the needs of your enterprise. Hunt for a CRM that comes loaded with customization options that enable you to moderate your sales stages in addition to offering you the flexibility of adding filters, custom fields and tags to make your business completely logical.

7.  A SaaS-based CRM solution can turn to be your right choice

It is interesting to know that around 41% CRM systems that were sold in the year 2013 were SaaS(Software As A Service) based. Well, the cloud-based CMS softwares comes with a low initial investment, offering you the opportunity of choosing a new subscription package in accordance to the changing business requirements. One of the major advantages of choosing SaaS-based CRM software systems is that all your data is hosted on the cloud, thereby allowing you an anytime, anywhere access to the customer-related data. Moreover, since the third-party service provide looks into the upgrades and maintenance part, you are left with ample amount of time for making the most of your CRM.

Conclusion - 
With the astonishing number of CRM options available in the market, it becomes daunting to find the one that ca boost your business profits by an impressive level. Hope the tips covered in this post would help you in choosing a CRM that would grow your business profits rapidly and effectively.

Author Bio:- Tyler Holt is currently associated with Xicom Technology. For over five years he is offering  crm software solution service  to a wide market vertical. He brings in his wealth of experience on CRM customization and solutions to his writings on webs and blogs. He is an avid reader and enthusiast blogger and engaged with many on line communities.

Monday, 17 August 2015

Boost Income with Marketers Mobile Marketing Tips

Mobile marketing is a dynamic strategy; you just have to understand what to expect from using mobile devices to market your business. It can be a great way to get exposure for your business, if you can do it successfully. Use the tips in this article to get the most out of your mobile marketing.

Begin by building up your mobile marketing database. Refrain mindlessly adding phone numbers in your marketing database. It is important to get permission before you begin. You can get permission by having them fill out a request form on your website. 
Boost Income with Marketers Mobile Marketing Tips - qr code
Courtesy - Mobile Marketing on

QR codes can be a great way to reach out to your technology-friendly clients. This way, customers with smart phones can just scan the phone and get access to your website features. You could include QR codes on your business cards, flyers or magazine ads. With easy availability, customers who have a need or desire for your services and products can reach out to you through the QR codes.

QR codes are efficient when your customers are particularly tech savvy. That way, people using smart phones will be able to easily visit your web site for access to your special promotions or coupon offers. You should include the QR code on everything – catalogs, brochures, business cards and posters. If you include a QR code, anyone who is interested will instantly be able to access your website and learn about your products or services.

Paying someone to create a mobile-optimized website for your mobile marketing campaign is usually a wise investment. Building an effective mobile website is a specialized task, considerably different from normal web design. If you would like this to go smoothly, consider outsourcing the project to someone qualified.

By closely monitoring your competitors, you can become more informed about the business environment. It’s imperative to distinguish yourself from your competition.

Mobile Marketing

Examine what techniques your competitors are using via mobile marketing. Follow them on Facebook and Twitter. You have to stand out from your competitors.

Mobile platforms should drive visitors to your main site. Your mobile marketing efforts should be directed at pushing people toward your home base, or helping them keep in touch with those already familiar with your home base. Your entire business model shouldn’t be based on mobile marketing.

The greatest mobile marketers use progressive strategies so that they can continue up the mobile ladder. This is an excellent way to handle your own approach. If you started off by texting, move to videos and then to interactive games. Always take advantage of the technology you can use, and if it is beyond your expertise, hire someone who does understand how each type of technology works. Try everything you can to reach potential customers.

Your web site should contain links to any social networking pages that are linked to your business. You can assume that your clients won’t take the time just to look for you, however, if they know that you’re on a particular site, they will probably take some time to check it out.

Make sure your first campaign is successful before you start a new mobile marketing campaign. You can see how well you do by how long you last, not always by your sales. Design new campaigns by using strategies that have been successful in the past. 

There are a wide variety of ways to promote your business through mobile marketing. Select the tips that apply to your situation and start implementing them today.

{{ The Guest Post Blogger organization was not involved in the creation of this content. - Dalvi Prabhakar B, Founder & Digital Manager (SEO,SEM,SMO) }}

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Social Commerce Trends – What we expect in 2015

Social Media Platform for Start-up Business

After Social media revolution make tweets, fb promotion, we don’t found any progress in sales charts. We have analytic but hard to track impact of social channels on people who regular or rare use of social media. We have knowledge, with social media we build awareness, consideration of company products or services. 

Social networking sites understand this trend and are making changes to make it even easier to purchase directly from within their platform.

Social commerce for interaction:- 

Someone post on facebook or twitter, running shoes for promotional purpose. We wait for like on fb post & after this we looking for someone clicks on link who represent our website. Some description, some hastag command useful for promotional & sales.

This tech use for sharing of content but in present use for improve sale in short period. In this tech we share link through Affiliate or Advocate style to improve clicks with specific design ads.

Above all this start-up but we want customer review for specific brands or products.

Snapchat Commerce

Another platform making strides with social commerce is Snapchat. Snapchat partnered with Square to deliver a transfer system it’s calling SquareCash. With this system, users can register their debit cards and then transfer and receive money — which is being called Snapchash — to and from their friends on Snapchat. While it’s currently a free service, Snapchat plans are to allow its users to buy products from its platform.

Facebook Commerce

This summer, Facebook shared a mobile screen of what its “Buy” button is going to look like. A suggested post will show up in your newsfeed with a product or service and an image of that product or service, which you can buy right then and there by simply clicking the “Buy” button in the post. I imagine Facebook will be rolling this out in 2015 after they figure out the payment and privacy details.

Twitter Commerce

Twitter is one platform that’s been rolling out its social commerce plans. In the early part of 2014, Twitter partnered with Stripe, a company providing all the back-end payment processing for Twitter. Twitter, and other social networks, haven’t wanted to store users’ credit card details, so Stripe is taking on the challenge. You can view and buy a product directly within your Twitter feed by simply clicking a “Buy” button that will appear alongside an image of the item that’s for sale. Twitter’s head of commerce Nathan Hubbard told The Verge in an interview, “Anything with a perishable component, temporal nature, or limited supply, is going to thrive on Twitter. Given the speed at which word can spread across our network, it feels like an opportunity to create a new kind of sales.”

{{ The Guest Post Blogger organization was not involved in the creation of this content. - Dalvi Prabhakar B, Founder & Digital Manager (SEO,SEM,SMO) }}

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Inbound Marketing Goals - Make Smart Planing

Like most adages, the saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” resonates. 

While the SMART acronym has been around for years, it applies perfectly to inbound marketing, so there’s no reason not to use it when setting inbound marketing goals. For the uninitiated, SMART means your goals should be all of the following:

Twitter Has Become A Major Source Of Information Affect Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Twitter Has Become A Major Source Of Information Affect Your Digital Marketing Strategy

The newly announced partnership between Google and Twitter will see social media marketing come of age as Google will now include real time Tweets in their search results pages. The partnership will replicate the real time placement of tweets on Bing searches that already takes place – the major difference being that Google is the world’s top search engine.

From a marketing perspective, the new deal will see business’s tweets, including those sent out as part of a marketing campaign, subject to those all-important Google algorithms. This could lead to more time being spent developing effective social media strategies that will use high quality content and keywords.

French Kiss - Blends Digital Marketing Art idea

Marriott Hotels rolled out the red carpet Tuesday night for their new digital content venture with the premiere of French Kiss starring Tyler Ritter (The McCarthy's) and Margot Luciarte at the Marina del Rey Marriott in Los Angeles.

Producer duo Ian Sander and Kim Moses (Runner, Ghost Whisperer) teamed with the Marriott Content Studio and Marriott Hotels to produce the second piece in a series of short films. The shoot only lasted four days in Paris.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Dont Purchase Email Marketing Data - not useful for Business

A key element of any successful email marketing campaign, along with the message and the creative side of things, is data. You need accurate, up-to-date lists of targeted recipients, and you should ideally be growing your lists all the time.

Buying data is easy, but it’s a huge mistake

Whether launching their very first email marketing campaign or growing their list of subscribers, too many brands fall into the trap of buying data. Sure, building your own lists organically takes time, effort and expense, but it is definitely worth it. It ensures that your data is good quality, targeted, relevant and accurate – which just won’t happen with a bulk buy of names and email addresses.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Rise & Rise in Importance of Social media in GEO Internet World

Social media may not ever have the same return on investment (ROI) as search, but it is growing more & more in relevance, especially from a customer satisfaction and brand perception manageable point of view.

My marketer view for Social networking Business:-
Loyal customer are best for new products - so connect on some social platforms like FB, Twitee, etc.,.  The social engagement of your happiest customer is also visible to their friends for viral typology.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Customer Segmentation Analysis And B2B Brands - Creating Profitable

According to survey of large UK businesses – principally those that supply other companies and which have an average turnover of £1.9 billion – UK firms are lagging behind their European peers when it comes to employing customer segmentation within their marketing and product strategy. Just 32 per cent of British B2B companies use sophisticated segmentation that goes beyond simple firmographics, which is in stark contrast to Germany where that figure is over 60 per cent.

Segment smaller customers  - The flipside of the 80/20 rule states that 80 per cent of customers account for 20 per cent of revenue, and are by definition comparatively small accounts. Being a large group of clients, often with conflicting requirements, means it is seldom possible to treat each one separately as their own subdivision. On the other hand, without it they are bundled into one group and may be displeased by offers that are irrelevant or generic. Countering this without using up a huge amount of resource is where targeted segmentation comes in.

The results revealed that the majority of UK B2B firms are not currently focused on acquiring the depth of customer information that is essential in understanding their needs, behaviours and attitudes to procurement. An absence of this knowledge suggests that companies are likely to struggle to accurately target their customer base with relevant segmented products and services – an issue that can ultimately affect their ability to gain competitive advantage, increase revenue and profit levels, and inspire customer loyalty.

Implement the strategy - The final, and arguably most difficult, task is implementation. Each grouping must be given a different offering that is recognisably individual and can be demonstrated as such. It’s also important that the sales force is engaged with the strategy and understands its benefits so the necessary questions can be asked to determine which segments customers, and potential customers, fall into. Appropriate solutions can then be directed at relevant subdivisions to satisfy needs and maintain customer retention.

Treat key accounts individually - The 80/20 rule determines that 20 per cent of customers account for 80 per cent of turnover, and for many B2B companies this amounts to just a handful of accounts. It’s important that main clients are provided with products and services tailored specifically to their needs, as their loyalty and continued business is vitally important in terms of business stability and future growth. As such, ‘business critical’ customers should be treated as individuals in their own segments.

Go beyond basic firmographics - Many businesses take the simple approach, sticking with basic firmographic groupings according to the size of the company, its geographical location, whether it is a private or public enterprise and so on. This is the equivalent of demographic segmentation in a consumer company. There is nothing wrong with this. Firmographic considerations are critical as easily recognisable attributes and are fundamentally important to a company’s sales and marketing strategy. Nevertheless, in many markets the needs of customers will crossover and it’s not enough to group them by such simple characterisations. Furthermore, the chances are that this embodies the majority of competitor strategies, meaning the achievement of competitive advantage is tricky with everybody using the same methods.

Differentiate by demand - It’s important for any company to undertake continual customer research to review what their customers look for in products and services – whether that’s looking at analytics or effective use of CRM systems – and respond by providing tailored solutions or products to meet their needs. Of course, it’s tough to get to know so many clients in such detail and this is where in-depth research becomes essential. A good analysis starts by revealing customers’ ‘voiced’ preferences – insights obtained by speaking to them in an unstructured manner, via detailed, one-on-one interviews or focus groups. These methods engage them in wide-ranging discussions, allowing the articulation of both current and anticipated future requirements in detail. A focus on such factors will pay huge long-term dividends in customer loyalty and market share. Satisfied customers tend not to look elsewhere.

Use behavioural segmentation - While identifying desires is the ideal, behavioural differentiation can also be a useful measure in providing important insights into what clients want and how to approach them. An example of this is to divide the market between companies that go out to tender with a closely scoped brief versus those that talk more openly with a supplier and ask for suggestions. By looking at behaviour and making these simple classifications, valuable insight into customer needs can be deduced to inform tactics. In the above example, this would imply that firms that exhibit the behaviours of a tightly scoped brief are more likely to be driven by price and basic transactions, whereas those that are more open to suggestions could place greater value on service and be prepared to pay for it.

{{ The Guest Post Blogger organization was not involved in the creation of this content. - Dalvi Prabhakar B, Founder & Digital Manager (SEO,SEM,SMO) }}

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

New ITR forms - Taxpayers and Experts want Some important Changes

The reaction to the Income Tax Department notifying the new ITR forms for the current assessment year has been outrage. The forms requiring an assessee to furnish extensive financial details have been panned by one and all. Retrospective, intrusive, too complicated, difficult to compile were just some of the adjectives used by taxpayers.

Though the I-T Department is simplifying the forms now, given the focus on curbing black money, disclosures are inevitable. However, some amendments are needed. 

The Saral forms were introduced to make tax filing easy for the ordinary taxpayers. The new forms are doing exactly the opposite.
New ITR forms - Taxpayers and Experts want Some important Changes

Investors Should Not Fear The May Effect in Stock Market

It's a cruel summer in the markets. The "May effect", an annual phenomenon investors have come to dread, appears to be taking shape again. Consider this. The market went on a correction course on 13 April and the Sensex shed 1,368 points over the next five days. The Sensex fell by another 270 points on 22 April and hit a low of 27,400, before bouncing back with a modest gain of 214 points. The Nifty also recovered from a low of 8,300 on 22 April. However, the pull-back was short-lived and both the Sensex and Nifty lost 155 points and 31 points respectively on 23 April. 

May and October can be tough for stock investors (see chart). In fact, the May weakness is a global phenomenon which has given birth to the market adage, "Sell in May and go away." 

Though called the May effect, the correction doesn't happen exactly according to the calendar month always. For example in 2011, the major sell-off started on 21 April and lasted till 25 May (see table). It did not happen at all in 2014 thanks to the election results— a business-friendly government was elected with a clear majority. Instead of the normal correction, the honeymoon took the market to new all-time highs. Now that the market's honeymoon with the government is over, what is going to happen in 2015? The general expectation among experts is that the May effect will be clearly visible this year because several other negative factors are at work too. 

Investors Should Not Fear The May Effect in Stock Market
First is the weak set of corporate numbers. "Though it is too early to comment on the overall results, there are some disappointments. While Reliance IndustriesBSE -1.09 % reported good numbers, IT majors like TCS, WiproBSE -0.31 %, HCL Tech, etc disappointed the market," says K. Sandeep Nayak, ED & CEO, Centrum Broking. The disappointment with weak numbers is more this time because the market had factored in a possible turnaround with a stable government. "After a business friendly government came to power, there were hopes that things will improve in a year. As the recovery is still not strong, it is affecting sentiments," says Jigar Shah, CEO, KIM ENG Securities. 

Another factor triggering pain is the decision by the Income Tax Department to send minimum alternative tax (MAT) notices to foreign portfolio investors (FPI). According to sources, the department has already issued MAT notices to around 100 FPIs. In some cases, the subject matter dates back 7-8 years, a first in the last 23 years of FPI investment in India. "This retrospective tax is causing a lot of anguish," says Shah. This also raises operational hurdles for the foreign funds. "These funds can't collect MAT retrospectively from the investors who have already redeemed. 

This is like trying to collect additional fares from passengers after they have alighted from the bus," says Nayak. After several days of market fall, the Income Tax Department clarified that "FPIs covered under double taxation avoidance agreement (DTAA) will be exempt from MAT". 

The pull-back on 22 April can be attributed to this. However, it does not solve the problems of FPIs coming from other countries and the pressures on markets will continue for some time due to this. 

There are several other negative factors at play. The meteorological department has predicted below normal monsoon. Rain failure can create problems like high food inflation and reduced rural demand. The fall in international commodities, especially crude, was the main factor that helped bring wholesale inflation to negative levels. The recent pull-back in crude prices may push it once again to the positive territory. Spike in crude prices and a bad monsoon is something our economy can ill afford. It will also force the RBI to delay rate cuts. 

However, there is no reason to panic. "Though the Nifty could dip below 8,000 levels, value buyers will emerge. Our Nifty target for December is 9,540 and we are not changing that," says Shah. Long term investors should try to make use of this annual phenomenon.  - ETNOW

{{ The Guest Post Blogger organization was not involved in the creation of this content. - Dalvi Prabhakar B, Founder & Digital Manager (SEO,SEM,SMO) }}

Future Of Marketing Automation For Improve In Sales Qualified leads

Vik Singh is co-founder and CEO of Infer. Prior to founding Infer, he was an entrepreneur in residence at Sutter Hill Ventures. He has filed 13 patents in the areas of search, social networking, systems, and content optimization.

According to industry expert David Raab, almost 70 percent of marketers are either unhappy or only marginally happy with their marketing automation software. According to Bluewolf’s new “State of Salesforce” study, only 7 percent are seeing good, measurable ROI from those investments. There’s a lot of fragmentation and dissatisfaction in this category despite the huge potential benefits of automating marketing.

Future Of Marketing Automation For Improve In Sales Qualified leads

A key contributor to the current state of marketing automation is the fact that its roots stem from email blasting. As these systems layered in landing pages and forms, web activity data, triggers, etc. over time, they became bloated from trying to do too much and began to over-promise and under-deliver.

Take a look at the Eloqua screenshot below – these Jenga-like maps show just how complex and fragile the workflows are that we encourage marketers to build (and this isn’t specific to Eloqua – all the vendors have screenshots like this):

A Lack of Automation in Marketing Automation

The biggest problem is that these rules are hard-coded to specific user actions based on an aspirational understanding of what constitutes a good lead, versus based on what the data says.

For example, you might set up a flow like this: “If a user clicks this link and then clicks that link twice, then in two days send this email…” That is so hard-coded. If you change your website design, this workflow (which will likely be buried by many others) could break.

Such a low-level approach to configuration loses any chance of adaptability. And what if the person who developed these workflows leaves your company? Workflow hell can also cause serious performance problems.

I encountered one company where it took over eight hours for the marketing automation system to process all the workflows before passing a lead to the CRM system… that’s more than eight hours before a rep can touch that lead. Where’s the speed, simplification and automation that marketing automation promised us?

Which Marketing Platform Will Dominate in 2018?

It is time to reinvent marketing automation. Platforms should provide scalable, incredibly fast and responsive database and workflow systems. They should be thinner and optimize for tracking the data about your leads and customers. They should provide clean APIs (that are from the 21st century) so third parties can build specialized, best-in-breed experiences on top of them.

The good news is key ingredients are now coming together to prime a major shift in this direction – including vast external data sources, advanced data science and thousands of niche, more focused marketing apps. Over the next three years, we’ll see a new generation materialize. I predict that the prevailing marketing platform of 2018 will be predictive-first, will deliver full-circle recommendations and will embrace open platforms.


Rather than trying to house everything in one monolithic marketing automation system, tomorrow’s platforms will be more intelligent and thinner, plugging in many smaller specialized applications. They’ll use a wealth of data to deliver relevant recommendations across your key customer touchpoints.

The data science available to decipher all of the signals out there has evolved dramatically through major advances in practical machine learning (think Netflix movie recommendations). And with cheaper computing infrastructure, modeling can be scaled and personalized to each individual company. Companies like Conversica, Lytics, RelateIQ and Infer are democratizing predictive analytics and offering more efficient and effective solutions to old marketing automation challenges like lead nurturing, campaign optimization, prospect qualification, etc.

Predictive intelligence is now table stakes for all businesses, and new platforms in combination with niche apps will make it more accessible and actionable end-to-end. They’ll be intuitive to use and will automatically adapt as your business evolves (with minimal manual effort or tedious configuration of clunky workflows), so you never have to worry about re-tuning or performance degradation. Predictive systems can learn, adapt and improve on their own with every customer action.

Full-Circle Recommendations

As opposed to fueling the sales and marketing divide by keeping people siloed in different systems, future platforms will depoliticize customer data and bring all the functions together. Companies like KnowledgeTree are starting to do this by leveraging complete visibility across the sales and marketing funnel to determine the next best action or content to share.

A customer prediction like this spans both sales and marketing. It learns from your historical sales data to model what a good lead looks like, and applies that intelligence to the top of the funnel, which cascades through your marketing programs and plumbs back down to sales to continue the cycle.

If you shape the objective function of your predictive model to be optimizing for lifetime value as opposed to conversion, then that prediction can be used all the way down the funnel to help customer success teams load-balance customers.

Embrace Open Platforms

Next-generation marketing platforms will offer powerful open APIs — like those we see from Autopilot — so any company can build very focused and insightful best-of-breed tools that are 10 times better than a non-intelligent version baked into one of today’s all-encompassing platforms.

For example, if you’re working on a nurture campaign, you’ll be able to run an app specialized in nurturing that leverages the predictive insights and scalability of this new thinner system to find leads in your neglected nurture database that score high or recently improved their score (due to recently visiting your web site, let’s say), and automatically apply a personalized email campaign or route those leads directly to sales reps.

There are now almost 2,000 different marketing technologies out there – thanks to the rise of SaaS CRM and marketing automation, and the launch of the Salesforce AppExchange platform. There have been billion dollar businesses built on AppExchange, but we don’t see major successes like that built on marketing automation platforms because their ecosystems and APIs are still in their infancy.

That’s a shame since there are so many best-of-breed apps out there that outdo the default or missing functionality in marketing automation. And I would contend that open marketing platforms hold the potential to be even more valuable from a data perspective than CRM, as they’re collecting information about your customers much earlier in the funnel and syncing bi-directionally with your CRM – giving you more data to party on.

Just as the rise of cloud computing has ushered in the “end of software,” predictive platforms are poised to revolutionize the marketing automation category. In the future, marketing will be about much more than managing campaigns and tracking prospects’ behaviors.

New platforms will help you reimagine your workflows, programs and actions in the context of increasingly powerful predictive insights. They’ll bridge the gap with sales by bringing CRM and marketing automation closer together with predictive as the glue.

Our best shot at changing the game is to make predictive a layer in a thinner, more scalable data platform, and to tie in best-of-breed applications that are optimized to drive more conversions and wins. Predictive-first software is eating the world, and it’s about to sink its teeth into marketing and sales. Get ready.


{{ The Guest Post Blogger organization was not involved in the creation of this content. - Dalvi Prabhakar B, Founder & Digital Manager (SEO,SEM,SMO) }}