
Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Mittelstand lässt Daten-Gold liegen - Small and medium-sized companies leave data gold

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Daten sind das Gold des 21. Jahrhunderts. Deutsche Mittelständler allerdings lassen dieses Gold größtenteils liegen. Das zeigt eine in Frankfurt veröffentlichte neue Studie.
Großkonzerne wie Google, Amazon, Facebook und Co. können ein einstimmiges Lied singen. Es trägt den Titel: Daten sind das Gold des 21. Jahrhunderts. Deutschen Mittelständlern dagegen fällt es bislang schwer, in den Chor einzustimmen. Das zeigt eine Studie, die die Commerzbank unter Schirmherrschaft des Bundesverbandes Groß- und Außenhandel durchgeführt hat.
Banker: Mittelstand könnte Anschluss verlieren
Zum einen nämlich stellen fast alle befragten Unternehmen fest, dass das Thema Big Data, also das massenhafte Sammeln und Auswerten von Daten, immens wichtig ist - und in Zukunft noch an Bedeutung gewinnen wird. Auf der anderen Seite ist es aber nur ein Bruchteil von unter zehn Prozent der Unternehmen, die Daten systematisch erfassen, analysieren und Nutzen daraus ziehen.
Das Potenzial macht der Präsident des Bundesverbandes Groß- und Außenhandel, Holger Bingmann, an einem Beispiel deutlich: "Amazon hatte beispielsweise Gelb als Modefarbe ausrufen können. Dazu hat der Online-Händler einfach sein Wissen über die Kaufgewohnheiten und Vorlieben seiner Kunden genutzt und konnte dann zu einer solchen Schlussfolgerung kommen."
Demgegenüber scheuen sich deutsche mittelständische Unternehmen offenbar, Daten systematisch in ihre Geschäftsprozesse einzubinden. Die Zurückhaltung hat mehrere Gründe: Datenschutzprobleme, Fachkräftemangel oder auch eine zu geringe Bereitschaft von Führungskräften im Unternehmen, sich auf die neuen digitalen Datenabenteuer einzulassen. "Viele Unternehmen haben kein Erkenntnisproblem, sondern insbesondere auf Grund von internen Strukturen sind sie noch nicht bereit für das riesige Potenzial von Big Data", kommentierte Michael Reuther die Studie. Er ist im Vorstand der Commerzbank zuständig für das Firmenkundengeschäft. Es brauche einen Weckruf, damit der Mittelstand international beim Thema Datennutzung nicht den Anschluss verliere.
Fachkräftemange als Hindernis
Befragt hat die Commerzbank für die Studie gut 2.000 Unternehmen aus dem deutschen Mittelstand ab einer Größe von 2,5 Millionen Euro Umsatz pro Jahr. Mehr als die Hälfte der Manager in den Unternehmen gab an, mit Besorgnis auf die Monopolstellung der großen US-Technologieriesen zu schauen. Ein Drittel sagte, von den Vorreitern der digitalen Welt Anregungen und Impulse zu kriegen. Ein Beispiel für einen solchen Impuls: Wenn ein Markisenhersteller beispielsweise Daten über die elektronische Steuerung des Sonnenschutzes sammelt, verfügt er über eine ganze Menge Daten. In diesem Fall sehr präzise regionale Daten über den Stand der Sonneneinstrahlung. Er muss sie nur erheben, sichern - und dann zu nutzen wissen.
Ideen in die Tat umzusetzen allerdings - das könnte an einem weiteren Knackpunkt scheitern, den die Studie offen gelegt hat: Dem Fachkräftemangel. Um das Daten-Gold in unternehmerischen Erfolg umzumünzen, braucht es gut ausgebildete Daten-Analysten und IT-Spezialisten. "Dazu fehlen uns in Deutschland in ausreichender Zahl Fachleute und entsprechende Ausbildungs- und Studiengänge", meint Holger Bingmann. 40 Prozent der befragten Unternehmen geben an, wegen Mangel an qualifiziertem Personal sich dem Thema Big Data nur zögerlich anzunehmen.
Unternehmen können Nischen besetzen
Eine weitere Hürde in den Unternehmen ist die Angst vor Cyberangriffen. Fast 40 Prozent der Unternehmen geben an, schon mindestens einmal Opfer von Betrugsversuchen in der digitalen Welt geworden zu sein. Dazu zählen direkte Hackerangriffe ebenso, wie Schaden in der Firmeneigenen IT durch eingeschleuste Viren oder Trojaner. Die Sorge aber vor Hackerangriffen - bei denen meist die wertvollen Daten das Ziel der Angreifer sind - ist mit fast 80 Prozent am weitesten verbreitet.
Barrieren abbauen und sich dem Thema annehmen, um nicht den Anschluss zu verlieren, lautet einer der Folgerungen aus den Ergebnissen der Studie. "Natürlich haben Unternehmen wie Amazon einen uneinholbaren Vorsprung", sagt Bingmann. "Aber es gibt viele Nischen, die deutsche Unternehmen erfolgreich besetzen könnten. Dazu brauchen wir etwas Mut und Phantasie."

Monday, 28 April 2014

Amazon steps up US lobbying for Indian FDI, Walmart on halt

After supermarket giant Walmart, it is online retail major Amazon which appears to be lobbying hard with the US lawmakers to seek their support for facilitating its "foreign direct investment in India". According to the latest lobbying disclosure reports filed with the US Senate, Amazon lobbied for a second straight quarter in January-March this year on issues related to FDI rules in India. 

On the other hand, Walmart has halted its India-specific lobbying for the second consecutive quarter during the same period, although it continues to lobby on issues related to "Walmart operations in international markets". According to the Amazon's lobbying disclosure report for the first quarter of 2014, matters related to "foreign direct investment in India" figure among numerous specific lobbying issues discussed by Amazon Corporate LLC and its registered lobbyists with the US lawmakers. Amazon, which is aggressively expanding its presence in the Indian online retail market, lobbied on issues related to Indian FDI during the October-December quarter of 2013 also, shows the Congressional records of lobby disclosure reports. 

The other matters on which Amazon lobbied during the last quarter include issues related to mobile payments, unmanned aerial vehicles, free trade agreements, high-skilled immigration, online wine sales, taxes and cyber security. Amazon is discussing issues related to Indian FDI, among other matters, with the members of the US Senate, the US Trade Representative, the Department of Commerce, the Department of State and the US House of Representatives. 

According to the lobby disclosure reports, and its group entities including Amazon Corporate LLC have been lobbying on various issues since 2000, but it was only in the quarter ended December 31, 2013 when its lobbying issues included "foreign direct investment in India". Earlier, Walmart had been lobbying very hard among the US lawmakers for their support on its FDI plans for India. However, a number of roadblocks including probes ordered by the Indian government seem to have tempered its ambitions for India, which has been projected as one of the biggest growth markets for the retail sector across the world. 

As per Walmart's latest disclosure, it spent close to $1.84 million on its overall lobbying activities in the US during January-March 2014, but there is no India-specific matters listed among the "specific lobbying issues" disclosed in this 18-page quarterly report. While India did not find a mention in the previous quarter (October-December 2013) lobbying disclosure report as well, "discussions regarding Foreign Direct Investment in India" used to be one of the 'specific lobbying issues' quite often in Walmart's earlier quarterly lobbying reports. In its latest quarterly disclosure, Walmart has however listed "discussions regarding Walmart operations in international markets" as one of the nearly 45 specific issues that Walmart and its lobbyists discussed with the lawmakers and the government departments in the US during January-March period this year.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Information About cloud computing - Misleading Beliefs About the Cloud

English: Cloud computing builing blocks França...

Information About cloud computing - Misleading Beliefs About the Cloud

As the cloud is still a somewhat new form of expertise there are still a number of myths and misleading convictions surrounding it. numerous individuals and enterprises will resist implementing cloud services because they solidly accept as true that numerous myths about the cloud are factual. As a outcome numerous businesses may be missing out on advancing their infrastructure because they have not looked more nearly at what the cloud can offer them. Taking a little time to find out more about the diverse ways you can use the cloud in your enterprise can give you a number of opportunities to improve your present set up.

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There are a number of myths surrounding the cloud. One of the most commonly utilised adages is that the cloud will not last, that it is only a transient tendency. This, however, is looking less and less factual. The cloud has a wide range of exceedingly precious benefits for both persons and enterprises. The detail that internet monsters Amazon and Google both use the cloud only serves to illustrate how it has become a hugely influential locality of expertise. Cloud services are now even encompassed on a number of mobile telephones. Even video-game businesses have begun to integrate cloud services into new gaming technology. Though the cloud is a somewhat new concept, it is expected to become a cornerstone expertise.

This is another myth about the cloud that often very off-putting to prospective users. In latest years it has become progressively significant to keep your facts and figures and your online presence protected. Off-hand comments and unsupported attitudes about the cloud have someway directed to the idea that the cloud is not a secure location for your facts and figures. This is not the case. As with any pattern of hosting or computing, it is only as secure as you and your provider make it. You need to work together with your provider to make sure your services are as secure as they can be. The cloud is no more or less secure than any other alike pattern of expertise. numerous users may worry about the security of using a public cloud, but if you have selected a provider that offers a good system of security and a considered out design this should not be a difficulty. If you are still concerned about security grades, a hybrid option that utilises both a public cloud structure and a private cloud structure may be a useful idea.

This specific myth about the cloud is partially factual. going your submissions and hosting needs to the cloud can decrease your company’s carbon footprint to a certain issue. Moving to the cloud can signify that you no longer need to have in-house servers which can save the business power and money. However, the general ‘greenness’ of the cloud counts on where the cloud is based. If the data centre that houses the cloud is in a homeland or locality that benefits renewable assets, then moving to the cloud is expected to be a ‘greener’ choice. However, if the facts and figures centre is in an locality that is utilising energy made from coal or un-renewable resources, then the improved general ‘greenness’ will be negligible.

numerous persons may timid away from going some of their submissions and services to the cloud because they believe that it may be too complex. This is another deceptive conviction about the cloud. Cloud providers desire to find more enterprise, so in the most of situations they will try to make the process as very simple as likely. Many offer distinct grades of complexity depending on the customers’ needs. smaller levels will often engage only simple alterations to your living architecture, while higher levels may offer more in terms of usage and command but will engage more advanced knowledge and alterations. Through doing a little study you can find a provider that will offer Infrastructure as a Service at the grade you need.

As with security, utilising the cloud should be a collaborative effort between the client and the provider. You will not expect that one time you relocate to the cloud you no longer have to think about any thing. numerous cloud providers will not be to blame for setting up back-ups or organising contingency servers. In most cases you will be responsible for manually setting up automated backups and double-checking that there are contingency servers accessible to you. This may be something of a change for users who had before had organised hosting designs. Cloud computing and hosting is a clear-cut system but you will have a certain amount of blame to make certain it is running as it should.

Many persons have become used to glimpsing pledges of 100% uptime and believe that is what they will get. although, in the most of situations this does not happen. expertise is fallible and there is no guarantee that it will be online 100% of the time. The cloud is no exception. It is although, conceived to accommodate very high grades of availability and redundancy. These grades may be achievable on a dedicated hosting design but with cloud hosting it is a much more cost productive choice. The cloud can accomplish very high grades of uptime at a more inexpensive rate due to economies of scale. The cloud can be very reliable but take claims of 100% uptime with a pinch of saline.

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