Assault at Work Solicitors

Sunday 7 April 2013

Assault at Work Solicitors

Unfortunately, a number of employees sustain a personal injury after being attacked or assaulted in the workplace.

UK law imposes duties on employers to protect their employees from injury and this includes protecting employees from deliberate acts of violence in the workplace.

Work Accident Claims Solicitors will be able to offer you expert guidance and assistance if you have sustained a personal injury due to being assaulted in the workplace. We can offer you a free assessment of your claim to determine how much compensation you could expect to receive.

Who will pay my assault at work compensation?

This depends on whether or not you were exposed to an unnecessary and foreseeable risk by your employer – if your employer knew there was a chance you would be treated violently in the workplace, and failed to protect to properly, your employer will be responsible for your personal injuries.

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Employees are most at risk of being the victim of an assault in the workplace for the following reasons:

  1. They were not provided with the appropriate training in how to defuse a potentially volatile situation or protect themselves in the event of a violent assault if they were working in an environment where violence was a hazard.
  2. They were not provided with adequate personal protective equipment when working in a potentially dangerous environment i.e. in a prison or high security hospital.
  3. Staff shortages meant that employees were working alone when they should have had a colleague working with them.
  4. Their employer was fully aware that one of their employees was violent and failed to take the appropriate measures to remove the violent employee from the workplace.